Dry Eye FAQs

Dry Eye FAQs

Dry Eye Syndrome FAQs

Dry eye syndrome not only causes discomfort and pain, but it can also impair your vision. If you have this eye condition, you may wonder what’s causing it and what can be done to treat it. These FAQs from Vision Source Fredericksburg Road in San Antonio, TX, provide more information about dry eye syndrome.


What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye occurs when your eyes stop producing quality tears sufficient to keep your eyes lubricated and moist. As a result, they become dry, itchy, red, and irritated. Tears are composed of a mixture of oil, mucus, and water. Any imbalance in this mixture can lead to dry eye syndrome.

What’s Causing My Dry Eye?

Tear production tends to decrease with age, making dry eye syndrome common among seniors. Certain types of medications and medical conditions can affect tear production, leading to dry eye syndrome as well. Overexposure to the sun and wind and excessive computer use can also hinder tear production and cause dry eye syndrome.

What Symptoms Can I Expect from Dry Eye?

If you have dry eye, you may experience symptoms such as itching, burning, redness, and eye fatigue. Your eyes may feel irritated, and you may experience blurred vision. Watery eyes could be a symptom of dry eye as your eyes work overtime to produce tears to compensate for the dryness. These tears are of low quality and generally evaporate quickly, making them of little use in alleviating your condition.

How Can Dry Eye Affect My Eye Health and Complicate My Vision?

Tears lubricate and cleanse your eyes of dust and debris that can cause eye infections and disease. Lack of tears can make you more susceptible to eye infections or corneal abrasions. Left untreated, chronic dry eye can damage the cornea of your eye and impair your vision.

How Is Dry Eye Syndrome Diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing dry eye symptoms, see your Longmont optometry specialist for a diagnosis. We’ll evaluate your tear production and composition to determine if you have this condition. Depending on the extent and cause of your condition, we’ll recommend treatment.

What Are My Options for Dry Eye Treatment?

For mild dry eyes, our optometry specialist may recommend artificial tears to lubricate your eyes and alleviate your symptoms. For more serious cases, we may prescribe eye drops or other medication to help stimulate tear production. If you’re taking medications that are aggravating your eyes, we may suggest a change of medications to relieve your symptoms. By protecting your eyes from the sun and cutting back on computer use, you can also help alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Optometrist for Dry Eye Treatment in San Antonio, TX

Call Vision Source Fredericksburg Road today at (210) 735-5440 for more information or to schedule an appointment

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