Top 5 Causes of Dry Eye

If you are having dry eyes in San Antonio, you need an eye doctor near me to give you an eye exam. An eye exam in San Antonio, TX, can test your eyes for several problems including dry eye. With an eye exam Fredericksburg Road, our optometrist can diagnose and treat your dry eyes. At Vision Source Fredericksburg Road, we have been providing residents of San Antonio, TX with reliable eye care services for many years.

Using a Computer

If you spend long hours at a computer, this can result in dry eye. When you are engaged with a computer, you will blink less often than you would doing something else. That means that the tear film on the front of your eyes will evaporate more quickly. It's important to take regular breaks when you are spending hours at the computer.

Winter Air

The air in winter is much drier than in the warmer months. That generally means that the dry air will cause your tear film to evaporate faster, and that leads to dry eye. It can help to set up a humidifier in a room that you spend a lot of time in so that the air will have more moisture in it.


Any big change in hormones, such as during menopause or pregnancy, can cause you to have dry eyes. Having a humidifier at home can help, as can using a humidifier. Some people find relief by holding a wet hand towel up to their eyes to add some moisture.


Many medications can cause your tear film to have too little mucus in it because they reduce the amount of mucus that the body makes. Many antihistamines, diuretics, and antidepressants can cause this problem. If possible, try to get changed to a different medication to see whether that helps the condition.

Getting Older

As you get older, your body may not make enough tear film for your eyes. This leads to dry eye, and a humidifier and eye drops can both help.

Get an Eye Exam in San Antonio, TX

If you are looking for an eye doctor near me to treat your dry eyes in San Antonio, we can help. Call Vision Source Fredericksburg Road today at (210) 735-5440 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our optometrist.

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