Treating Seasonal Eye Allergies with Our Optometrist

It’s not unusual for people to begin coughing or sneezing with seasonal changes. Those are the most recognizable signs of seasonal allergies. Although, several people are unaware of seasonal allergy symptoms in the eyes. In this quick guide, our Vision Source Signature Eye Care team in San Antonio, TX, will discuss common symptoms of seasonal eye allergies and how to find relief.

Common Symptoms of Eye Allergies

Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, occur when the eyes react to environmental allergens. These allergens can trigger a range of symptoms in the eyes. While everyone’s experience differs, below are some of the most common effects the seasons can take on the eyes.

Itchy Eyes

Allergens typically trigger histamine release in the eyes’ tissues. This released chemical leads to an itch for which there is no relief.


Some people develop redness, which can be mistaken for a virus. In reality, it’s typically caused by irritation from dust or pollen.


You may experience swollen eyelids due to inflammation. It can happen in either or both the upper and lower eyelids. This symptom could be a sign of another issue. It’s best to visit our eye doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Eye Pain or Burning

Some individuals with eye allergies report a burning or stinging sensation in their eyes. In addition, eye discomfort, irritation, and a feeling of heaviness can be present with eye allergies.

Watery Eyes

You're not alone if your eyes tend to be excessively watery when the pollen count is high. Remember that watery eyes can also be a sign of infection or other issues.

Preventing and Treating Eye Allergies

Wearing sunglasses outdoors and keeping windows closed is enough to ward off irritants. Some need to add over-the-counter eye drops and antihistamines to ease pain. If you suffer from seasonal eye allergies, visiting our optometrist can help you achieve the eye relief you seek.

Find Eye Relief with Our Optometrist

You don’t have to suffer from eye allergies. Our Vision Source Signature Eye Care team in San Antonio, TX, can help you find the best prevention and treatment methods for your needs. Call us at (210) 735-5440 to schedule an appointment.

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